Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Photo Class week 1

So for the first week in my photography class we talked about our "vision" in photography. The photo class is based around putting together a portfolio. We are suppose to think about what we want to represent with our photography. We were also given two other assignments. Most of the assignments are just key words and we have to interpret them as we want to. So our assignments this week were
  • Doors and Windows
  • Hearts
So I'll work on taking those pictures and trying to put together what I want out of photography.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Here are the pictures that I did edited using photoshop this week. I tried playing with the saturation and some of the filters which will change the coloring. It's interesting to me how much some slight differences will change the picture.

Like always any comments would be appreciated.


This is the picture I submitted to the monotone photo contest. I've decided that doing the photo contest not only will help me use my camera, but it allows me to look at things creatively. Kind of fun to try new things. I thought it turned out well.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Photoshop Editing

I spent some time tonight working on editing pictures. I'm working on trying to one figure out the program and two trying to figure out what style I like. Any comments or recommendations would be appreciated.